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Conlan Salgado
Not as I found It: Latest News
If I died tomorrow exactly at noon,
I could almost say I left the world as I found it.
(I was once its savior when I was born,
As every child is when he is born—)
If I died tomorrow exactly at noon
I could almost say I left the world as I found it.
Except, well, I did pick a flower yesterday,
From a stalk which was growing to buds at once
“A Siamese twin of the floral world.”
And dropped the flower somewhere I was walking,
But when next it snows on the place where I dropped it—
when Nature next dusts for fingerprints—
Two of my own will be on the stem:
An evidence for use to indict or defend me.
For use to indict my presence on the earth,
Or for use to defend my presence on the earth.
But, still, I wish to leave a bigger print, a thumb
Or finger trace across a city, or a culture, or a soul.
And leave the World not as I found it.
Not as I found It: Text
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